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Table 2 The contrast between the "old think" of many DSS projects and the "new think" that considers decision tools as a potential technology to help get evidence into practice.

From: Decision tools in health care: focus on the problem, not the solution

Old think

New think

Complex computerised decision support system that demands respect and understanding

A discrete decision tool with the complexity concealed within a simple functional exterior

Hard technical problems are the main focus

Hard knowledge management problems are the main focus

Evaluation should focus on the DSS

Evaluation should focus on the knowledge problems

The technology dominates the project

The problem dominates the project

Select problems that DSS can address

Focus on a knowledge problem and match the solution to this – ignoring DSS if need be

Improved decisions are the end point

Getting evidence into practice is the end point

The important distinctions are between DSS reasoning methods

The important distinctions are between different knowledge management problems and their causes