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Table 1 Dictionary terms used in EXTEND to search for relevant variables developed manually to identify the common terms used to report these variables in our institution

From: EXTraction of EMR numerical data: an efficient and generalizable tool to EXTEND clinical research




t, fever, t-max, fevers, ta, te, tmax, tear, temp, tm, tmp, tmt, tp, tpr, tr, tre, tt, temperature, afebrile

Blood Pressure

b/p, bps, bp, blood pressure, hypertensive, hypotensive

Respiratory Rate

rr, rp, r, resp., respiratory, respiration, respirations, tachypea, breathing

Heart Rate

hr, hrt, p, afib, af, tach, nsr, tachy, pulse, pulses, tachycardia, tachycardic, bradycardic, sinus

Oxygen Saturation

sat, sats, sating, satting, desat, o2sat, o2sats, pox, spo2, sa, sao2, s, oximetry, o2, saturation, saturating, saturations, desaturation, desaturations, desaturates, desaturate, desaturated

Ejection Fraction

ef, ejection fraction, lvef

Glycated Haemoglobin

glycated haemoglobin, glycated hemoglobins, glycated hemoglobin, glycohemoglobin a, glycosylate haemoglobin, glycosylate hemoglobin, glycosylated haemoglobin a, glycosylated haemoglobin, glycosylated hb, glycosylated hemoglobin a’,'glycosylated hemoglobins, glycosylated hemoglobin, haemoglobin a1c, hb a1a + b, hb a1c, hb a1, hba1c, hba1, hemoglobin a1c, hemoglobin glycated, a1c, a1cs, hgba1c, hb1c, hga1c


creat, crn, cr, creatinine,scr, cri,creatinin, ctn, cre, crea


h, hgt, hh, ht., height


wt, w, wgt, wi, bw, weight