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Fig. 4 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Fig. 4

From: Integration of mathematical model predictions into routine workflows to support clinical decision making in haematology

Fig. 4

Screenshots illustrating the presentation of patient-specific chemotherapy-induced side-effects on thrombopoiesis. Patient-identifying data (name, birth data etc.) have been changed to artificial values to ensure anonymity. A) Presentation of platelet dynamics of a single NHL patient and corresponding therapy schedule. Days with chemotherapy applications are marked by orange bars. Degrees of thrombocytopenia (red-shaded areas) can be optionally displayed. Further available patient-specific clinical parameters can be assessed via the GUI menu (c.f. Fig. 3a) B) Visualization of model fit for the observed data and model prediction for the next chemotherapy cycle for a use-defined treatment scenario. Possible options for treatment adaptations are: 1) Postponement of the next cycle, 2) Factor for dose adaptation (1 = no change), 3) Dose factor required to tune toxicity to a tolerable limit. The follow-up duration to be simulated can be also modified (4). Continuation of the previously applied dose with 4 days postponement and a prediction period of 100 days

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