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Table 1 Knowledge-to-Action plan for Ready for SDM INTERPROF

From: Ready for SDM: evaluating a train-the-trainer program to facilitate implementation of SDM training in Norway

Stages of KTA

Reported elsewhere/Reported in current study

(1) Identify the gap

SDM and SDM trainings are not yet implemented in clinical practice in Norway

Until recently, there have been no SDM learning goals in social and medical training

76% of doctors in medical residency training reported having had no SDM training (n = 111)

Low levels of patient involvement in Norwegian specialist health care have been found [14]

SDM training in Norway has only just begun [18, 25, 26]

SDM INTERPROF has proven efficacious. Its distribution requires the use of a TTT module

(2) Adapt knowledge to local context

The TTT curriculum enables ambassadors to adapt SDM INTERPROF to their local needs

In pilots and pretests of SDM INTERPROF the curriculum has been adapted to several local medical contexts [18, 25]

The target group participated in developing SDM INTERPROF in the context of a quality improvement project

(3) Access barriers to knowledge use

Knowledge about barriers:

Evidence of barriers to SDM implementation in literature [51,52,53]

Barriers assessed in our previous studies:

1-Pretest of SDM INTERPROF [18]

2-RCT on efficacy of SDM INTERPROF [25]

Barriers collected during piloting of the TTT module and a focus group study

(4) Select, tailor, implement interventions

SDM INTERPROF showed it was feasible and efficacious

TTT selected as a strategy for more efficient and tailored implementation of SDM INTERPROF

(5) Monitor knowledge use

Post intervention survey assessed further redistribution of SDM INTERPROF by participants

A quality collaborative will share and discuss experiences

Workshop 12 months post-TTT with participants to assess experiences of applying SDM INTERPROF, including barriers to sustainability

(6) Evaluate outcomes

Level 1: Engagement, relevance and satisfaction assessed

Level 2: Knowledge, skills, confidence and commitment assessed

Level 3: A reporting system established to monitor number of trainings delivered and trainees trained

Level 4: Measure SDM in clinical practice using MAPPIN´SDM for a select group of patients in the South-Eastern Regional Health Authority

(7) Sustain knowledge use

Conducting new TTT courses as new staff is hired

In preparation:

Develop and assess feasibility of additional SDM training modules

Establish a support system for SDM ambassadors

Revise and update the [34] homepage

  1. This table illustrates how the seven stages of the KTA framework [31] guide the systematic implementation of SDM trainings in healthcare. Italic text refers to parts of the overall Ready for SDM strategy reported elsewhere or planned for the future. “Ambassadors” is the term used for HCPs certified as trainers. “Levels” under stage [6] refers to Kirkpatrick’s evaluation levels [27]. “MAPPIN’SDM” under stage [6] is a validated measurement instrument to assess the extent of patient involvement in consultations [14]