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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Fig. 3

From: The development and phase 1 evaluation of a Decision Aid for elective egg freezing

Fig. 3

Examples from the values clarification exercise. A Example question about the pros of egg freezing. Other pros participants are asked to rate are: ‘doing something about your fertility now rather than later’, ‘being able to look back and know that you tried to increase your chances of having a baby’, and ‘having a child who is blood related to you’. B. Example question about the cons of egg freezing. Other cons participants are asked to rate are: ‘egg freezing might be a difficult procedure to go through (e.g. because of time off work and possible side effects)’, ‘egg freezing is expensive (I’m worried that it is not worth the cost or that I cannot afford it)’, and ‘most frozen eggs are never used (I’m worried that it will be a wasted procedure or that I will need to dispose of my eggs)’. C Example result from the values clarification exercise. The placement of ‘Your answers’ on the scale is determined by the average score from the pros and cons question sets. The standard deviation is represented by the colour gradient and is intended to illustrate the variability in responses

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