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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for PDAs

From: The quality of German - language patient decision aids for oncological patients on the internet

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Definition criteria must all be present

PDAs only against payment

Websites that link directly to decision aids

PDAs with complicated registration/club membership/subscription

Definition criteria:

Foreign-language (other than German) PDAs

 - Describe the decision to be made and encourage active engagement with the decision-making process

More than 3 links to get to the PDAs (non-low-threshold)

 - Provide evidence-based information about available medical options (including benefits, harms, and risks)

Complex guideline programs that would exceed the time frame of a consultation (not primarily declared as PDAs and not published as such)

- They make it clear that the patient’s goals, values and preferences play a role in the decision - according to the principle of personal decision-making