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Table 3 Information-educational needs and capabilities for application design

From: Design and development of a mobile-based self-care application for patients with depression and anxiety disorders


Education-informational needs and capabilities

Mean(± SD)

Decision (necessary or unnecessary)

User profile

First name & last name

3.81 (± 1.51)


National code

3.40(± 0.14)



3.12 (± 1.08)



3.74(± 1.32)



3.81(± 1.24)


Education level

3.27(± 1.14)



3.31(± 1.11)


Contact number

3.51(± 0.25)


Clinical history

Underlying disease

3.40(± 1.14)


Family history of mental disorder and type of disorder

3.85(± 1.04)


Duration of the disorder

3.80(± 1.15)


Suicide history

3.95(± 0.75)


Blood group

3.90(± 1.55)


Hospital history

3.90(± 1.11)


The first hospitalization

3.80(± 1.43)


Number of hospitalizations

3.75(± 1.43)


History of smoking and alcohol

3.80(± 1.23)


Life style


4.25(± 1.33)


Sleep management

4.20(± 1.15)



4.15(± 0.93)


Proper weight

3.75(± 0.91)


Smoking and drinking alcohol

3.75(± 1.08)


Stress and anxiety Management

4.20(± 1.43)


Existence of bad habits

4.35(± 1.04)


Overcoming to wrong beliefs

3.85(± 1.18)


Overcome to failures

3.95(± 1.14)


Personal hygiene

3.75(± 0.91)


Physical activity

4.05(± 1.19)


Strengthen the mind and body

3.95(± 1.14)


Healthy sex

4.10(± 1.16)


Social support and healthy relationships

4.25(± 1.07)


Disease management and control

Introduction of anxiety and depression disorders

4.10(± 1.02)


Symptoms of anxiety and depression disorders

4.05(± 0.94)


Complications of anxiety and depression disorders

4.10(± 1.37)


Deep relaxation exercises

4.05(± 1.19)


Prevent the aggravation of the effects of anxiety and depression disorders

3.95(± 1.14)


Overcoming stress and negative thoughts

4.10(± 1.16)


Being Optimistic

4.05(± 0.94)


Anger management

4.20(± 1.19)


Smoking and drinking alcohol

4.05(± 1.31)


Drug use and Addiction

4.20(± 1.05)


Dealing with worry

4.05(± 1.31)


Manage conflict at work, school or in relationships

4.10(± 1.37)


Proper communication with others

4.00(± 1.29)


Anxiety and nervous attacks

4.10(± 1.21)


How to get away from stressful relationships and environments

4.07(± 1.04)


Health nutrition and diet

4.05(± 1.09)


How to maintain mental health

3.95(± 1.29)


Increasing the self confidence

4.10(± 1.21)


Easing fear

4.05(± 1.43)


High focus

3.95(± 1.27)


Positive communication and social interactions

4.00(± 1.07)


Make a better sense on yourself

3.95(± 1.19)


Motivation for more activity

4.00(± 1.17)


Reduce restlessness

4.10(± 1.07)



4.00(± 1.29)


Hopeful sentences

4.10(± 1.21)


Daily programming

4.15(± 1.04)


Relaxation instructions

Slowly and regularly breathe

4.05(± 1.09)


Strengthen muscles

3.90(± 1.21)



3.75(± 1.37)


Music therapy

4.05(± 1.14)



4.05(± 1.09)


Mental imagery

3.75(± 1.16)



3.75(± 1.20)



3.85(± 1.13)


Walking with mindfulness or yoga

3.80(± 1.39)


Repeat soothing words

3.75(± 1.30)


Application capabilities

Calculate BMI

3.50(± 1.16)



3.30(± 0.92)


Provide clinical history

3.70(± 1.38)


Introducing counseling centers to receive health services

3.85(± 1.30)


Management of medications

3.85(± 1.34)


Management of nutrition and diet

4.10(± 1.21)



3.80(± 1.36)


Communication with doctors, consultants and other patients

3.75(± 1.27)


Appointment reminder

4.05(± 1.09)


Relaxing music

3.75(± 1.31)


Games and intellectual puzzles

3.65(± 1.38)


Application settings (such as font, size and color of content)

3.60(± 3.25)


  1. *Note: ×: Unnecessary and √: Necessary