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Table 1 The set of Keywords used to identify and label tweets relevant to Lyme disease

From: Leveraging machine learning approaches for predicting potential Lyme disease cases and incidence rates in the United States using Twitter

Keyword Category


Mode of Acquiring Lyme Disease

‘hiking’, ‘hike’, ‘forest’, ‘tick’, ‘ticks’, ‘bite’, ‘deer’, ‘deertick’, ‘tickborne’

Symptoms and Medical/Scientific Terms

‘borreliosis’, ‘zoonotic’, ‘infection’, ‘erythema’, ‘migrans’, ‘carditis’, ‘neuroborreliosis’, ‘borrelia’, ‘bacterium’, ‘ixodes’, ‘blackleg’, ‘blacklegged’, ’burgdorferi’, ‘borrelial’, ‘lymphocytoma’, ‘arthritis’, ‘fever’, ‘headache’, ‘headaches’, ‘paralysis’, ‘hearing’, ‘rash’, ‘fatigue’, ‘swollen’, ‘lymph’, ‘chill’, ‘chills’, ‘flu’, ‘sweat’, ‘inflammatory’, ‘inflammation’, ‘neck’, ‘knee’, ‘knees’, ‘stiffness’, ‘heart’, ‘palpitations’, ‘numbness’, ‘tingling’, ‘nausea’, ‘vomiting’, ‘neurologic’, ‘vertigo’, ‘dizziness’, ‘sleepless’, ‘fogginess’, ‘nerve’, ‘irritability’, ‘joint’, ‘depression’, ‘memory’, ‘malaise’, ‘neuro’, ‘long-haul’, ‘long haul’, ‘neurologist’, ‘dermatologist’, ‘late stage’, ‘early stage’, ‘antibiotic’, ‘specialist’, ‘lyme disease’, ‘lymedisease’, ‘physician’, ‘doctor’, ‘symptom’, ‘ache’, ‘pain’, ‘diagnose’, ‘diagnosis’, ‘patient’, ‘hospital’, ‘clinic’, ‘cure’, ‘treat’, ‘heal’, ‘disease’, ‘medication’, ‘medicine’, ‘therapy’, ‘infection’, ‘lyme\’s’, ‘tested positive’, ‘tested negative’, ‘lyme test’, ‘lyme\’s test’, ‘medical care’, ‘med check’, ‘medical checkup’, ‘meds’, ‘health’, ‘illness’, ‘bulls eye’, ‘bulls-eye’, ‘bullseye’, ‘bull\’s eye’, ‘bull\’s-eye’, ‘death’, ‘die’, ‘red color’

Common Vernacular/Colloquial Phrases

‘have lyme’, ‘had lyme’, ‘having lyme’, ‘has lyme’, ‘get lyme’, ‘gets lyme’, ‘got lyme’, ‘getting lyme’