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Table 8 Steps for residual error minimization in univariate time-series forecasting

From: AI and semantic ontology for personalized activity eCoaching in healthy lifestyle recommendations: a meta-heuristic approach

Step 1: Creation of lagged datasets

Step 2: Split data into train and test with a 60:20:20 ratio using the stratification technique

Step 3: Apply the persistence model by predicting the output value (Y) as a replica of the input value


Step 4: Calculate residuals

Step 5: Model the training set residuals with a defined lag value, predict RE with the AR model, and

defined window size ⋲ Z + 

Step 6: Walk forward over time steps in the test dataset

Step 7: Correct forecasts with the designed model of RE using the following equation:


Step 8: Calculate metrics for the corrected forecasts and compare them with the forecasts without REM to observe the improvements