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Table 1 16 tasks in this task list are run to solve a clinical scenario

From: Understanding cancer patient cohorts in virtual reality environment for better clinical decisions: a usability study

Investigate process


Navigate the scatter plot to feel comfortable

1. Zoom in/out the patient cohort

2. Move the patient cohort

3. Rotate the scatter plot

Choose your patient of interest (POI), e.g. a high-risk patient

4. Select a patient

Check the selected patient’s gene data visualisations. And compare with another patient’s information

5. Open an Individual Patient and see the patient details

6. Change to another patient with similar gene data (a neighbour patient) or very different gene data (a faraway patient)

Compare the patient with another far away patient, and a neighbour patient

7. Open the Patient-to-Patient panel, drag two patients to patient comparison and compare two patients

8. Change patient to compare different pair of patients

Mark a patient for future use

9. Mark a patient

Compare the marked patient with a similar group, check the heatmap, boxplot and table list. Choose a faraway group to compare. Find the marked patient to investigate

10. Open a patient to group comparation panel, compare one patient to a group of patients

11. Show a heatmap, show 3D heatmap, modify the hierarchy

12. Show the box plot, a table list plot

13. Clear patient list and drag other patients

14. Choose a marked patient

Choose another dataset and model

15. Choose another dataset and another machine learning model

More explorations

16. Use the new dataset and new model to repeat some of the above steps 1–13