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Table 2 The general layer decription

From: Improved prostate cancer diagnosis using a modified ResNet50-based deep learning architecture

Input layer: The prostate dataset, the weights wk, λa, λs, learing rate η, weight decay γ, other SGD and ADAM paramiters

Stage 1—Residual Blocks

 1. Residual block 1 (Bottleneck):

  1. Convolutional layer: 64 filters, kernel size 1 × 1

  2. Batch normalization layer

  3. ReLU activation layer

  4. Convolutional layer: 64 filters, kernel size 3 × 3

  5. Batch normalization layer

  6. ReLU activation layer

  7. Convolutional layer: 256 filters, kernel size 1 × 1

  8. Batch normalization layer

  9. Shortcut connection

  10. ReLU activation layer

  11. Repeat step 6 for residual blocks 2 and 3

Stage 2—Residual Blocks

 12. Residual block 4 (Bottleneck):

• Same as step 6, but with stride 2 in the second convolutional layer and 128 filters instead of 64

 13. Repeat step 6 for residual blocks 5, 6, and 7, but with 128 filters in the first and second convolutional layers

Stage 3—Residual Blocks

 14. Residual block 8 (Bottleneck):

• Same as step 6, but with stride 2 in the second convolutional layer, 256 filters in the first and second convolutional layers, and 1024 filters in the third convolutional layer

 15. Repeat step 6 for residual blocks 9–15, but with 256 filters in the first and second convolutional layers, and 1024 filters in the third convolutional layer

Stage 4—Residual Blocks

 16. Residual block 16 (Bottleneck):

• Same as step 6, but with stride 2 in the second convolutional layer, 512 filters in the first and second convolutional layers, and 2048 filters in the third convolutional layer

 17. Repeat step 6 for residual blocks 17 and 18, but with 512 filters in the first and second convolutional layers, and 2048 filters in the third convolutional layer

 18. Region Proposal Network (RPN) layer

 19. RPN classification layer

 20. RPN regression layer

 21. RoIAlign layer

 22. Convolutional layer with 1024 filters and a kernel size of 3 × 3

 23. Mask classification layer

 24. Mixed optimizer:

  1. Adam for first 10 epochs: learning rate 0.001

  2. SGD for remaining epochs: learning rate 0.01

 25. For each batch:

  1.Update weights with mixed optimizer:

  1. Compute Adam update: dk, ηa = ∆Adam(wk, ∇, η, γ, …)

  2. Compute SGD update: vnk = ∆SGD(wk, ∇, γ, …)

  3. Compute mixed update: Mixed = λs · vnk + λa · dk

  4. Compute mixed learning rate: ηm = λs · η + λa · ηa

  5. Update weights: wk + 1 = wk − ηm · combined

End For

 27. Output layer