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Table 5 Name and description of model variables

From: Individuals’ attitudes toward digital mental health apps and implications for adoption in Portugal: web-based survey






Participants’ mental health app use

Perceived Stress

Perceived Stress

7-item version of the College Student Stress Scale originally included in Borghouts et al. and translated in our questionnaire.

Perceived Need

Perceived Need

A dichotomous response item originally included in Borghouts et al. and translated in our questionnaire.

Past Use of Services

Past Use of Services

2 dichotomous response items originally included in Borghouts et al. and translated in our questionnaire.

Perceived Stigma

Perceived Stigma

9 statements from the Perceived Stigma subscale of the Depression Stigma Scale originally included in Borghouts et al. and translated in our questionnaire.

Social Influence

Social Influence

3 statements originally included in Borghouts et al. and translated in our questionnaire.

Privacy Construct (1 and 2)

Privacy Construct (1 and 2)

6 statements (3 for each construct) originally included in Borghouts et al. and translated in our questionnaire.






In our study, we included “other” gender.

Coping Strategies


Individuals that reported spending time with pets, social media, painting, drawing, coloring, photography, or writing to aid in managing mental health.

Perceived Problem


Perceived Mental Health Problem: latent variable defined by the self-reporting of depression, eating disorders, obsessions, and compulsions interfering with daily activities or bipolar disorder, a mental health problem and Perceived Need.

Latent Variable


Latent variable resulting from Perceived Problem and Coping Strategies.

Close relationships


Multiple choice question, regarding each person’s support network. Considered to have a support network of close relationships if either family or partners were included as people to whom they talk when feeling sad, anxious, worried or stressed.